
Monday, March 26, 2012

Menu Plan 3/26/2012 - 3/31/2012

Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a great weekend.  Ours was pretty good.  Kiddo B and I went to go see the Hunger Games on Friday afternoon.  Loved it, though it doesn't live up to the never does.  I have to say the worst part of going to see a teenage movie is all the teenagers in the movie theatre, lol!  There was some smart-ass kid that screamed "Bless you!" everytime someone sneezed, coughed, or made really any kind of noise.  Then, the hormonal tween (not my hormonal tween) sitting next to me started sobbing HYSTERICALLY during the movie...I mean, like loud.  Then she used her pig-tails to dry her eyes...oh yeah, good times. 
THEN, on Saturday we surprised kiddo C with an iPod.  Her and Daddy drove the convertible (our date car) to Best Buy to "look at things" and was told she could pick an iPod.  Unfortunately, apparently the $10 off sale Best Buy was having on iPods meant there was NONE.  So, we went to Target and got her a pink Nano.  When we got home, we realized that basically Apple downgraded the Nano's in hopes you would have to upgrade to the iPod touch.  GRR!  You can't watch videos with the new Nano and none of the games we have are compatible.  So, basically, it was a Shuffle that cost $70 more.  Sunday, we went back to Target and exchanged it for a Shuffle.
Anyway, that was our weekend.  This week, I have a big-ol-list going to prepare for our move in ONE month! 
Onto the menu plan for the week:

Italian Sausage and Roasted Pepper Spaghetti (made with Trader Joe's High Fiber Pasta), Caesar Salad

Roasted Red Potato and Green Bean Soup, Buttered Sprouted Toast

Baked Tilapia with Orange Cashew Rice, Salad De Maison

Strawberry Chicken Salad, Buttered Sprouted Toast

BBQ Country Pork Ribs, Crash Hot Potatoes, Mini Corn on the Cob

Have a great week!


  1. The same thing happened to me on Friday afternoon when we went to see the hunger games. Well all you food looks great as usual Have a great day :-)

  2. I loved the movie too, but thought the book was better. They did a great job tho.

  3. We went to see the Hunger Games on Sunday...less crowded. I'm sure the book explains the movie better. I hate that things are not as clear in movies like they are in books.

  4. I LOVED The Hunger Games. When my girlfriend who is actually older than I am went, it was mostly adults because it was during the school day on Friday. I want to see it again so I can process more.
    I actually had noticed that I pod touches were on sale for once here. I thought maybe the ipad 2 was cutting into their sales? 199 for an ipod vs 399 for the ipad 2 (since the release of ipad 3) I really want an Ipad 3 but can find not one ounce of justification:(
    Keep up the great work!

  5. I'm looking forward to going to that movie. I will prolly cry too, but hopefully not too loudly. :O At least I won't wear pigtails.


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