
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hump-Day Confessional

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Happy Hump-Day!  I hope you are all having a great week so far.  I have been purging and packing this week...bleck!  What have you been up to? 
Allrighty, let's get this thing started!

I confess...I am SO excited for the Hunger Games to come out this weekend.  I read the series over Christmas/New Years and loved it.  Yes, I am just like a teenage girl, lol!  Give me some good  Y.A. reads and I am a happy gal...Twilight, Happy Potter, Hunger Games....good stuff. 

I confess...I have a cookbook addiction.  Cookbooks, cooking magazines, food blogs...oh yeah baby!  It is part of the reason I started my food I could share the amazing recipes I was finding.  Cookbooks and recipes are my porn. 

I confess...When I was 12 years old, I was bit by a horse.  We used to have these white turkeys that would try to eat the horse grain from the troth.  It was an unfortunate decision that I wore a white t-shirt one day to go feed the horses.  Our stud horse, Mr. Twister, apparently thought I was a turkey and picked me up by the back, shook me, and threw me through the fence.  I still have a giant horse-mouth scar on my back.  Though I was an avid, fearless rider my entire life prior to that point, I never really rode a horse after that.  When we get moved to Texas, I want to get back on a horse and ride.  The thought scares the bejesus out of me!

I confess...I grew up in an itty-bitty small town in Eastern Colorado.    So small that my graduating class had 32 people in it.  So small that I was part of the "Dirty Dozen" ...a group of kids that started Kindergarten and graduated together.  So small that you never really dated anyone new, you just took your turn.  So small, we didn't (and don't) have a stoplight.

I confess...I HATE thunderstorms!  Growing up in the fore-mentioned small town in Eastern Colorado, we had BIG thunderstorms and ran the risk of tornadoes.  My mom was somewhat of a freak when the storms would come...she would run through the house opening the windows saying the house could blow up if there was a tornado.  To this day, whenever there is a thunderstorm, I think a tornado is coming.  Know what I hate worse?  Thunderstorms in the middle of the night.  The lightning is SO much brighter, the thunder SO much louder.  I think in the 2 1/2 years I have been in North Carolina, I have only been in 3 day-time thunderstorms.  The rest were at night.  And by rest, I mean about 100.  I am SO happy to be moving because this is making me a jumpy spastic freak!

Allrighty, who wants to share a confession this week?


  1. I can't believe you were assulted by a horse!!!!! Holy cow!!!!

    I also can't believe your hometown is so super small. I love the comment about taking turns dating! ha!!!!

    I LOVE a good LOUD thunderstorm. :)

    AND I just don't like the thought of you packing things away to move!!!!! Noooooo!!!!!!!

  2. I don't know anything about Hunger Games, but my kids have read the books and can't wait for the movie to come out. Our whole family loves th HP books and movies. I was sad when the series ended. I haven't read the Twighlight series, but I did see the first movie. My daughter has read the series and saw the movies.

    If you're a teenager, I could be your Mom! I have three teenagers, so it's very likely that you're the same age as one of them. Oh, how time flies! I still feel like I'm only in my 20s. I don't know how or when I grew up without any awareness of it happening.

    I love cookbooks as well. I'm sure I have too many, although I'll never admit that.

    How scary to have a horse attack you like that! I do hope you conquer your fear and get back on one again.

    I LOVE thunderstorms!

  3. Ha ha!! I missed the "just like" part and thought you said you were a funny! Well, no matter how old you are, I still feel like I'm in my early twenties. :). Not that I behave like one , mind you, I just still feel so young.

  4. I am also excited for hunger games. I also grew up in thunderstorms in Michigan.
    I have really nothing to confess - I am an open book LOL.

  5. I love your confessional days:) I am going to The Hunger Games with my girlfriend on Friday. I am really excited. I also read all the Harry Potter and Twilight series. A gal referred me to another series similar to The Hunger Games..."Matched" is the name of the first book. I read the first and the second book in the series and I believe the 3rd comes out this summer. They weren't nearly as exciting, but good.
    My sister was has had horses since I was a teen. I have never quite understood the love for them, but at 58, she still goes broke having them.
    You are blessed to still have young kids:) Enjoy every day. I am very glad that my kids are grown, but the young days were fun too.
    Great blog!
    Oh...and I collect cookbooks....I don't cook very often, but I LOVE cookbooks! I have a huge cupboard full!

  6. Oh the things I didn't know about you. Your hometown was smaller than mine and that is pitiful! And thunderstorms are just about my favorite thing on this damn planet. WERE my favorite until I had a pup, now he gets top billing...

  7. I must confess my guilty pleasure is Twilight, HP. I missed the Hunger Games calling...where was I? it sounds like my kind of 52 my girls (27 & 24) raze me about my taste I like to embarrass them so I say I like twilight when we are out in public..LOL

    1. How funny that your girls are embarrassed by that. A good story is a good story. I could see a pre-teen being embarrassed though. I am grateful for the loss of concern for what other people think that comes with age.

  8. I confess that I'm waiting a few weeks before I go to see Hunger Games, b/c I refuse to wait in line anymore. LOL

    Have a great day!


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